Lying in the picturesque and fertile Blyde River Valley, the growing sites from various production units, packing at MORIAH CITRUS ESTATES
Few places boast the unique combination of natural qualities needed to produce outstanding citrus. South Africa’s Blyde River Valley in the Limpopo Province, home to citrus, is one such place.
Ideal climatic and soil conditions, natural protection from the elements, and abundant water supply from the nearby Blyde Dam and the assortment of microclimates on the slopes of the majestic Drakensberg, enable cultivation of a vast range of superior citrus cultivars – and permit an exceptionally long picking season.
This natural heritage, combined with stringent quality management and scientific expertise, enables Moriah Citrus Estates to give customers exactly what they want. The Limpopo Province climate produces a superior piece of fruit. Our warm days, coupled with cool nights, develop an orange with the perfect combination of sugar and acid. Our fruit is handpicked, polished, packed and shipped. We manage the production, harvest the crop, packaging, marketing and then ship the fruit from the heart of South Africa to designated clients.